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Группы : Дискографии


Nidingr: "Wolf Father" – 2010

энциклопедия: Nidingr

Состав группы:

  • Cpt. Estrella Grasa – вокал
  • Teloch – гитара, бас
  • Blargh – гитара, бас
  • Hellhammer – ударные

Nidingr: "Wolf Father" – 2010


  1. Fafnismol
  2. Baldrs Draumar
  3. Reginsmol
  4. Voluspo
  5. Hymiskvitha
  6. Lokasenna


1. Fafnismol

Youth o youth
Of whom then youth
Are you born
Say whose son you are
Who in Fafnir's blood
Your bright blade reddened
And struck your sword to my heart

The noble hart my name
And i go
A motherless man abroad
Father i had not and lonely ever i live

If thou mightest grow your friends among
One might see you fiercely fight
But bound thou art and in battle taken

Who drove you on
Why were you driven
My life to make me lose

Though your name on the day of my death you hide
You know that you do lie

2. Baldrs Draumar

Once were the gods together met
The goddesses came and council held
And the far-famed ones
The truth would find why baleful dreams
To Baldr came
Then Othin rose the enchanter old
Thence rode he down to Niflhel deep

And the hound he met that came from hell
Bloody he was on his breast before
At the father of magic he howled from afar
Forward rode Othin the earth resounded
Till the house so high of Hel he reached

Then Othin rode to the eastern door
There he knew well was the wise-woman's grave
Magic he spoke and mighty charms
Till spell-bound she rose and in death she spoke

What is the man to me unknown
That has made me travel the troublous road
I was snowed on with snow and smitten with rain
And drenched with dew long was i dead

Speak thou of hell for of heaven i know
For whom are the benches
Bright with rings
Bedecked with gold

Here for Baldr the mead is brewed
There is a shining drink and a shield lies o'er it
And their hope is gone from the mighty gods

Wise-woman cease not i seek from thee
All to know that fain would ask
Who shall the bane of Baldr become
And steal the life from Othin's son

Hoth thither bears the far-famed branch
He shall the bane of Baldr become
And steal the life from Othin's son

Wise-woman cease not i seek from thee
All to know that fain would ask
Who shall vengeance win for the evil work
Or bring to the flames the slayer of Baldr

Rind bears Vali in Vestrsalir
And one night old fights Othins son
His hands he shall wash not
His hair he shall comb not
Till the slayer of Baldr he brings to the flames

3. Reginsmol

What is the fish that runs in the flood
And itself from ill cannot save
If thy head thou wouldst from hell redeem
Find me the water's flame
If thou seekest still
To live in the land of men

What payment is set for the sons
Of men who war with lying words
That one to another utters

Now shall the gold bring their death
To brothers twain
And evil be

For a maid shall kinsmen clash
Heroes unborn thereby shall be
I deem
To hatred doomed

The gold so red shall i rule
So long as i shall live
Nought of fear for thy threats i feel

Gifts ye gave but ye gave not kindly
Gave not with hearts that were whole
Your lives ere this should ye all have lost

4. Voluspo

Of old was the age when Ymir lived
Sea nor cool waves nor sand there were
Earth had not been nor heaven above
But a yawning gap and grass nowhere

I remember yet the giants of Yore
Who gave me bread in the days gone by
Nine worlds i knew the nine in the tree
Hidden deep beneath the mold

Then sought the gods
Their assembly-seats
The holy ones
Then council held and names they gave
To the noon and twilight

Then Bur's sons lifted the level land
Mithgarth the mighty there they made

Hearing i ask
From the holy races
From Heimdall's sons
High and low

5. Hymiskvitha

The mountain-dweller sat merry as boyhood
Like a blinded man he seemed

The son of Ygg gazed in his eyes
For the gods a feast shalt thou forthwith get
Word-wielder toil for the giant worked
And so revenge on the gods he sought

The far-famed ones could find it not
And the holy gods could get it nowhere
There dwells to the east of Elivagar
Hymir the wise as the end of heaven

Forward that day with speed thay fared
From Asgarth came they to Egil's home
Goats with horns bedecked he guarded
They sped to the hall where Hymir dwelt

But the other fair with gold came forth

Eight fell from the ledge and one alone
The hard-hammered kettle of all was whole
Forth came they then and his foes he sought
The giant old

Much sorrow his heart foretold when he saw
The giantess' foeman come forth on the floor
Then of the steers did they bring in three
Their flesh to boil

By a head was each the shorter hewed
And the beasts to the fire straight they bore
From the beast the slayer of giants broke
The fortress high of his double horns

6. Lokasenna

Talk of weapons and might in war
You are swollen with pride
Bale and hatred i bring for you
O sons of the glorious gods

Ithun you are of women most lustful in love
Since thy washed-bright arms did wind about
Your brothers slayer

No such feast shall you make no more
Over all you have which is here within
Shall play the flickering flame

Though on the rocks the gods bind me
With bowels torn
Forth from my frost-cold son
I was first and last

I mix their mead with venom
I Wolf-Father

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